
nitrogen fixation Learn more about nitrogen fixation

  • Why the soybean root nodule is few and small?

    Why the soybean root nodule is few and small?

    There are nodules on the root of soybean, which can be used for symbiotic nitrogen fixation, which is an important source of nitrogen for legume crops. But in actual production, sometimes the root nodules of soybean are few and small, what is the cause of this? Expert: when you encounter particularly serious symptoms, you should first think that it may be caused by the lack of trace element molybdenum. Because molybdenum is an essential trace element for nitrogen fixation in root nodules of legume crops, the absolute content of general crops is 1/1000000, while the molybdenum requirement of soybean is dozens of times higher than that of other crops. The main function of molybdenum is to promote the shape of soybean nodules.

  • How to prevent low yield from planting soybeans?

    How to prevent low yield from planting soybeans?

    How to prevent low yield from planting soybeans? Please give guidance in the current agricultural production, growing soybeans basically do not apply fertilizer (especially in summer soybean producing areas). The main reason is that most people think that soybeans can fix nitrogen, grow soybeans without fertilization, and leave a certain amount of nitrogen for subsequent crops. It is precisely because of this misunderstanding that leads to health.

  • Matching techniques for high yield of improved varieties and methods of soybean

    Matching techniques for high yield of improved varieties and methods of soybean

    1. Sowing at the right time, select the varieties with high potential to increase production in this area, and sow at the right time. Use herbicides before sowing, and then use herbicides according to grass conditions after sowing. Sowing time, spring soybeans from the end of April to the beginning of May, sowing depth of 5 cm, sowing must pay great attention to soil moisture. The main conditions for soybean seed germination are water, temperature and oxygen. ① moisture: seed germination is first of all water absorption, so water is an important factor in germination. The amount of water absorbed by seeds during germination is equivalent to 1.21 of the seed weight.

  • Make good use of base fertilizer when sowing peanuts and soybeans

    Make good use of base fertilizer when sowing peanuts and soybeans

    Some farmers do not apply any fertilizer when sowing these crops, which is one of the important reasons that restrict the yield of peanuts and soybeans. Although legume crops can use the nitrogen fixation function of rhizobium to absorb nitrogen in the air to supplement nutrients, but the amount of nitrogen fixation is only 2 × 3-1 × 2, and phosphorus and potassium nutrients.

  • The latest course of High-yield cultivation techniques of Vicia faba

    The latest course of High-yield cultivation techniques of Vicia faba

    Broad bean is rich in nutrition and is a crop for both grain and vegetable. The stem and leaf is also a good feed for excellent livestock and an excellent fertilizer. It has a strong ability of nitrogen fixation in root system and plays an obvious role in improving soil fertility and ensuring continuous yield increase. But in production, if you want to get as high as

    2020-11-10 The latest broad bean high yield cultivation techniques methods tutorials
  • Soybean cultivation: how to fertilize soybeans?

    Soybean cultivation: how to fertilize soybeans?

    How to top up soybeans? Please introduce scientific topdressing methods for planting soybeans. General topdressing can be divided into seedling fertilizer, flower fertilizer and granulation fertilizer. Detailed methods can be referred to the following: soybean seedling fertilizer: soybean seedling nodule is in the stage of formation and there is no nitrogen fixation capacity. If nitrogen nutrition can not keep up, it will affect Zhuang.

  • High-yield cultivation techniques of Vicia faba

    High-yield cultivation techniques of Vicia faba

    High-yield cultivation techniques of Vicia faba

  • Fertilization Technology of Spring Peanut

    Fertilization Technology of Spring Peanut

    Calcium can promote pod formation, reduce empty pods and increase the number of full fruits, and the application of calcareous fertilizer lime in acidic soil can also reduce soil acidity and is beneficial to nodule nitrogen fixation. Therefore, calcium fertilizer can improve the yield and quality of peanut. Peanut lacks calcium, the plant grows slowly, the root thin seedling is weak, the edge and leaf surface of the old leaf will appear.

  • Fertilization Technology of Bean

    Fertilization Technology of Bean

    Fertilization Technology of Bean

  • Apply sufficient base fertilizer to mung bean

    Apply sufficient base fertilizer to mung bean

    Although mung bean rhizobium has the ability of nitrogen fixation, the application of farm fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can obviously increase the yield. Before sowing, 2500 kg of farm manure, 20 kg of phosphate fertilizer and 1 kg of biological potash fertilizer were applied as base fertilizer per mu. If the field that is too late to apply base fertilizer, in the early stage of growth, that is, branching, the first flowering stage, the application of three-yuan compound fertilizer 7.5 thousand per mu.

  • How to grow Bing Bean

    How to grow Bing Bean

    How to grow Bing Bean

  • Why does Manjianghong serve as green manure? Is Manjianghong an excellent green manure and feed?

    Why does Manjianghong serve as green manure? Is Manjianghong an excellent green manure and feed?

    Application of Manjiang Red and Green Fertilizer in Paddy Field farming: Manjianghong we have always been regarded as aquatic pollution plants, but in fact, it is good, if you do not know, then take a look at this. It is of great use in paddy fields. Reduce food crops

    2019-01-03 Manjianghong why as green manure is a kind of excellent and
  • The latest course of fertilization techniques and methods for beans

    The latest course of fertilization techniques and methods for beans

    Bean is one of the popular vegetables widely cultivated in China, which is planted all over the country. it has strong adaptability, can be cultivated in open field, can grow all year round, and is listed all the year round. But when planting beans, mastering the fertilization technology is related to its yield, so beans should be like

    2020-11-10 The latest beans fertilization techniques methods tutorials China
  • What if something like this happens to your succulent plant? Tell me about it.

    What if something like this happens to your succulent plant? Tell me about it.

    Going back to nodules and fixing nitrogen, the significance of the theory of convergence evolution is that many plants are poor because of their living environment, lack of enough nitrogen in the soil, and finally, the ability to cooperate with rhizobia has evolved unexpectedly. Plant nitrogen fixation is another kind of fake.

  • How to grow potted peanuts?

    How to grow potted peanuts?

    How to grow potted peanuts?

  • How to grow the newest soldier beans

    How to grow the newest soldier beans

    Bingdou is a leguminous plant, also known as lentil or lentil, is a kind of plant with both medicine and food. At present, Bingdou is mainly distributed in Hebei, Shaanxi, Shaanxi, Sichuan and other places in China, the planting scale is small, and it has not been popularized in our country. Well, for this kind of thing, not yet.

    2020-11-10 Most recruits beans how planting soldiers yes legumes plants
  • Main Technical points of fertilization for Peanut

    Main Technical points of fertilization for Peanut

    How do peanuts perform when they are short of evidence? How to prevent and cure? The main results are as follows: (1) the characteristics of deficiency: when peanut is deficient in aluminum, the plant is short and the leaves are small and thin, showing yellowish green, which is the same as the typical symptoms of nitrogen deficiency. If the above symptoms occur when the nitrogen nutrition is sufficient, the problem of steel deficiency should be taken into account. (2) Prevention and control measures: potassium lead acid.

  • Acid soil improvement method

    Acid soil improvement method

    What is the harm of acidic soil to crops? What are the methods of acid soil improvement? Also ask the netizens who know to help introduce that after many years of fertilizer application, the soil generally tends to be acidic or salty, which has an adverse effect on the growth of crops, so the planting net has sorted out the harm of acidic soil.

  • Cultivation techniques of mung bean

    Cultivation techniques of mung bean

    (1) although mung bean rhizobium has the ability of nitrogen fixation, the application of farm manure and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can obviously increase the yield. The application of farm manure can be given to people once before sowing, and ploughed and turned over after application. If it is too late to apply base fertilizer, it is necessary to apply a certain amount of nitrogen and phosphate fertilizer in the early stage of growth, that is, branching and flowering.

  • The main reason of soybean flower and pod dropping

    The main reason of soybean flower and pod dropping

    Soybean seedling blight is commonly known as "dead tree","damping-off" and "black root disease". In serious disease years, the death rate of plants in light disease fields is 5%~10%, and the death rate of plants in serious disease fields is more than 30%. Some fields even die completely, resulting in no yield. Field symptoms: soybean blight occurs only at seedling stage, seedling and young plant taproots and...
